Saturday, February 3, 2007

More Comments on Spanking Sparks Debate

Thank you Community for all your thoughts. Here are some more:

1. From Karen Sorensen

I enjoyed reading the article you had on spanking. I totally agree with your view by the way. We would be in line with European countries who have banned spanking. It will be interesting to see what happens. Since we know that children copy what they see and what they experience (0-7 years of age is considered the imitation phase), if we want our children to learn to handle their anger in appropriate ways, that is what we need to model. In addition, discipline is not about punishment or expressing our anger, which backfires, and tends to create anger in children and a desire to hurt back. Discipline is about teaching children specific skills about positively handling their anger (calming down) and how to solve problems with others in ways that are safe, fair, and take into account others' feelings as well as setting firm limits in non-punitive ways for inappropriate actions. Modeling and teaching the kind of positive behavior and values we want our children to have is what creates peaceful, productive citizens.

2. From Barbara Daniels

I think you cannot legislate behavior and I am tired making more laws to do just that. I feel parenting classes could be required for all who have children from their prenatal onward through till the child hits about ten. Educating the legislating is where you will find people more receptive still giving them the control they deserve. I would resent and do resent anyone trying to mind my business and I think it is time to STOP legislating everything to death.

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