Thursday, February 1, 2007

IFK Media Article: Spanking Sparks Debate - and Legislation

Here's the email that sparked this Blog sent on January 27th:

Dear Community,

California is leading the nation again. Or is it? An anti-spanking law for kids 3 and under is about to be brought to the legislature. It's a hot topic and is stirring a lot of debate. I was asked to consult on the following article which presents some of the issues.

Although the author talks about children age 4 and under, my responses are about children age 3 and under, which is what the bill is geared toward. Probably just a misprint.

I'd love to hear how you feel about this proposed legislation and how you believe it might affect our communities. The aim seems to be a wake-up call, with parents being sent to parenting classes as a first line of defense.

Warm regards,
Dr. Charlotte

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